Leuke Raadsels

Tips for taking care of your cat

How to care for a cat

Cats are good hunters and are very intelligent. Cats are also very good at solving problems. There are about 60 cat breeds around the world. The first cats to be kept as pets by humans were the African feral cats in Cyprus. It was long thought that this was in Egypt. In Egypt cats were worshiped from about 3100 BC.

Cats hear higher and lower tones better than you and me. Sounds from mice and other small animals are so well recognized. Cats can see better in the dark than humans. They also have a better sense of smell, but they don't see colors as well. Cats communicate with each other by meowing, purring, vibrating, hissing and growling. They also use body language that only cats use.

What do you need to take care of your cat?

Grooming your cat's coat

Your cat will really enjoy it if you brush or comb it often. It doesn't matter if he has a long or short coat, the more often the better! With combing and brushing you remove the loose hairs from your cat's coat that he would otherwise swallow himself.

Give your cat clean drinking water every day

Your cat should be able to drink clean, fresh drinking water every day. This is very important for your cat's health. A water fountain ensures that your cat will drink more often.

Using a litter box for your cat

Does your cat live a lot indoors? Then a litter box is important. Keep your litter box clean by scooping every day. Cats really like a clean litter box. You should completely change the litter box at least every week. Use high-quality gravel for the filling. This prevents odors.

Train your cat to use a scratching post

If you train your cat to use a scratching post, it will be less likely to scratch your furniture. Cats scratch their nails to remove old nail parts.

Feeding your cat

Feed your cat high-quality food. Quality food ensures the good health of your cat. Don't give your cat a lot of salt. Cats love potato chips and ham, but they contain a lot of salt, which is bad for your cat's kidneys. For example, give your cat unsalted cooked chicken fillet as a snack. Your cat will also love a tasty piece of unsalted cooked fish.

Giving cat grass to your cat

Cats love cat grass. You can buy it at a pet store. You can also grow cat grass yourself with wheatgrass seed. Do you have a cat that lives indoors a lot? Then give your cat cat grass. Cats wash themselves with their tongue and swallow a lot of hair because of this. These hairs can collect in his stomach and cause a blockage. When your cat eats cat grass, the hairs in the stomach become a ball that your cat spits out again. With cat grass you also prevent your cat from eating your house plants!

Every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat


  • Don't overfeed your cat
  • Play with your cat a lot!
  • If you want to adopt a cat, take the cat's personality into consideration
  • Let your cat call the shots
  • Pet your cat where it like it most!
  • Getting negative feedback from your cat, give your cat some space

Fun facts about cats

  • The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago. In 2004, French archaeologists discovered a 9,500 year old cat grave in Cyprus.
  • Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping
  • Isaac Newton invented the cat door
  • House cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with tigers
  • A house cat can reach speeds of up to 30mph

The pros and cons of owning a cat

  • Cats may help control pests
  • Cats can be low-maintenance
  • Cats can be affectionate
  • Cats are entertaining
  • Cats are cute when young
  • Cats don't require that much space
  • You don't have to walk them
  • Cats shed
  • Cats can damage furniture
  • Cats are strong-willed
  • Their litter boxes are smelly and must be cleaned regularly
  • Many people are allergic to cats
  • Cats vomit occasionally
  • A cat may wake you up!
Also read: Top 10 most popular cat names